(gr. disclose, unveil)

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          First of all, one should understand the relationship of one's conscious and subconscious qualities to reality. Realize the degree to which we have been programmed by family structures, the influence of parallel lives (so-called previous incarnations), innate personality in this life and collective programs. Then you can begin to interact with your field and make changes to equalize the excessive tensions that are the causes of problems in family, social and professional life, as well as in body and mental health. It is best to learn how to do this yourself, and react in real time to any disturbing signals in your comfort and overall well-being. Alternatively, you can let someone outside help you, but always be ready to change your understanding. Without changing yourself, changing "your" world is simply impossible.

What can be done with that?

Apocalypto - Energy Healing. Free your body and mind

Why does your life look like this?

         A person is more than a brain-controlled body. Human is an information field to which the reality around him reacts according to it's content. That field creates the body and all its characteristics. Emotions are ignited and extinguished in it. Only as a result of changes in that field the experience of life outside us changes. It is exactly the opposite of what everyone thinks - the key to achieving any goal is to align one's inner self with the new quality of experience. Without it any effort in the physical world is a waste of time and energy. Even if one achieves the desired change in a long struggle, the effect will not be lasting or satisfying if it does not match the field which it came from. This applies to all aspects of life for every being without exception.
