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„The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead - his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms -this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.”
Albert Einstein
„Jeśli chcesz zrozumieć Wszechświat, zacznij myśleć w kategoriach energii, częstotliwości i wibracji.”
Nikola Tesla
„Nature is always more subtle, more intricate, more elegant than what we are able to imagine.”
Carl Sagan
„Six blind men touch an elephant for the first time in their lives. They argue about what does the animal look like. The first one happened to put his hands on elephant’s ear and said that elephant is like a huge fan. The second one holding animal’s leg says that elephant looks like a tree. The third one touches the tail and shouts that they all are wrong. The animal is obviously like a rope. The fourth one holds the tusk saying that elephant is like a spear. For the fifth one the side of elephant is like a wall. The sixth one touches the trunk and says that the elephant is a kind of a snake. Each one insists that he is right because his description is based on his personal experience.”
Indian parable
Despite the many unrecognized mechanisms of the visible world, man is primarily faced with the vastness of the so-called spiritual world, of which he is an unconscious part. The density of biological bodies and matter is only the range of frequencies with which our body can interact. Other frequencies invisible to us teem with the diversity of life and are as real as matter. There are many types of beings at different levels of consciousness. Some are friendly to us and help people. Others use us for their purposes often at our expense. There are civilizations that do not consider us worth interacting with in any way. Depending on their structure, they are interested in our energetic or emotional side, and our physical bodies are of no interest to them. The basis of man's knowledge of himself should be the realization that he is not just a body reproducing the chemical reactions inside and the electrical impulses of the brain. At the emotional frequency, each of us is a powerful information system that creates our personality, and its state provokes certain events in our lives. At the energetic level is our lowest identity and powering of the physical body and the conversion of the emotional level to the state of our body and psyche. These are examples of the many realities that we cannot perceive with our senses, but which we live every moment. It is very important to get rid of the belief in the sacredness and transience of the higher levels of the world. For a being with a mental frequency body, observing the healing of a person with a placebo effect is like for us observing the performance of a trivial action with a simple tool. Everything is real, everything is physical in its own way. It is we who are limited.
Opening up to this multidimensionality allows non-physical senses to develop, which will allow one to interact with reality on a higher level. This is what the term "exiting the Matrix", misused without understanding, is all about. It is a way out of the division between material and spiritual, the visible and invisible, the sacred and profane. Everything is spiritual and nothing is spiritual. The term "higher" levels is also an misuse, because it's not about distance or height. The distance to be traveled, as we understand it, is an attribute of the material level only. Even the "highest" levels reaching God/Source intermingle with us at any time. Access to them is determined by whether we can tune into them. This is what the old saying is about, not to look for God somewhere outside - God is here. About the same thing, but from a different perspective, speaks the concept of the Eternal Now. True growth is not about knowledge and the right answers to everything. It's about opening up to the infinite and asking better and better questions.
The assumption of the reality of the world we see is an illusion. Even to say that we see a part of it is an exaggeration. The reality perceived by the basic senses of the biological body is merely a mental interpretation of a slice of the whole. It is not necessary to enter into spiritual considerations to realize this. Evidence of this surrounds us at every moment.
There are organisms, such as dogs, that can find and follow the invisible trail of a person or animal passing by in a certain place days ago. Insects can locate a useful object for them like sugar or a flower from distances counted from hundreds of meters to several kilometers. The temperature of any object is perceived for us by touch, but man has already created technology to represent heat in the form of light emission. A thermal imaging camera makes it possible to determine the temperature without touch, just by looking at how strongly an object glows with light invisible to our eyes - this is perceiving one physical property with different senses. Species using echolocation send out a short wave and, based on the received reflection of this wave, determine the distance to an obstacle, its shape and even the direction and speed of objects in their environment.
All this means that the same impulse can be perceived completely differently by different species. Heat can be perceived by touch or sight, smell can be seen, and sound can be perceived with the whole body as wind or heat. There is nothing obvious in the visible world - there are only interpretations. Our body's senses and their level of sensitivity do not allow us to fully understand our environment. Man is the dominant biological species on Earth, but he is not a masterpiece of nature as most of us think. We are blind and unaware of the rich ocean of information in which we have always been immersed. There are many factors that affect us every day that we have no idea they even exist.
Science is slowly informing us about long-discovered phenomena of how the world works in movies, books and games. More and more often we are confronted with stories based on physical laws negligible on the surface of the planet, but dominant on other scales - cosmological or atomic. Despite this, the human mind resists change and does not allow the awareness of, for example the different speed of the passage of time on other planets depending on the difference in gravity to expand its internal understanding of the world. It does not occur to us that some species or visible and invisible beings looking at a man do not see his material body. Depending on their dominant senses, they may see him as a heat source, a closed energy system, an information-emotional cloud or a dense cluster of thought processes. They see their interpretation of reality, and they are all right, but none of them sees the whole picture.
We without seeing the whole, are passively influenced by various phenomena. We don't understand why we get sick. We react automatically in a way we did not choose in a certain situation, and later regret that reaction. We don't know why doing the same thing as someone else has different results. We don't know where our mood changes come from. We don't understand why our lives are the way they are. Man knows neither himself nor the environment in which he lives. He tries to survive in pursuit of dreams of someone else's life. We lack curiosity in discovering the mysteries of reality. This curiosity is killed in us by the belief that everything has already been discovered and everything has been said. We have taken all the biological limitations of our perception as a direct look into the world's eyes – this is one of the main manifestations of humanity's naivety and ignorance.